I am developing a self-development program around redirecting the personal stories of our inner cast of characters. If engaging our Parts in creative ways makes you curious, we will set many stages for this here. We will access our guiding genius through creative powers of art, writing, drama, movement, inner communication skills and music.
I pursued the following quest: I had to find the best map of personal growth and to make engaging practices for accessing inner guidance and map their way. This is a story about the fulfillment of the answers.
The first revelation on this journey was a surprisingly accurate astrological reading. This Human Design reading was uncannily reflective of me[1]. No follow-up was indicated.
About six months later I discovered the Gene Keys which grew out of Human Design. I got the standardized reading and it helped to make human design a little more understandable. I did the same after that with Integral Human Design, the latest evolution of The Gene Keys.
Get all webinars here: https://integralhumandesign.net/shop/webinars/
Then it was a couple of months of weekly major insights leading to Astrosophy. I finally begin to understand the stars I’m standing under.
Remember you will find an essential intuitive approach here, without using Astrology or Keys, etc.. However, these are my original sources to supplement this main source called Astrosophy. Signup and we will link you with sources for your low cost Astrosophy intro and chart plus a free reading and chart from other sources attempting to make similar material more accessible without astrology. You will also get practice suggestions.
Just before he died, I discovered Astrosophy, and David Tresemer’s crown Jewel for astrology. With Astrosophy I am coming home to roots in a long established Mystery tradition of spiritual science. It was developed over a hundred years From Rudolph Steiner ‘s Anthroposophic and Theosophic teachings. These developers did heroic work validating this Star Wisdom. Good thing for the discerning. It turns out that these wisdom traditions seem disappointingly infected with self-censorship against the party line. Look into Steiner’s sources and for any use of scientific validation. I thought I was reading science fiction in his 12 lectures on the mysteries of Egypt. To top this off I could not find any reference being made From the channeled Gene Keys/Integral Human design to this long-standing Mystery School tradition, though the latter is Austrian.
[1] Date Of the Human Design reading August 8, 2023.
Gene Keys activation sequence started January 6, 2024.
Integral Human Design evaluation date: January 11, 2024.